

(01/21/2016 – 09/14/2022)

Trick Dog Champion

Expert Masters Trick Dog, Novice Stunt Dog, CCFC Level 3

Dog going over an agility jump with an explosion of powder

I got Xephyr from a Denver-area rescue in October of 2016. He was born in January 2016, and he and his litter mates were turned in to the shelter when they were 7 months old. He appeared to be an Australian Shepherd/terrier or sighthound mix and weighed in at a hefty 19 pounds.

Xephyr decided that agility wasn’t his “thing” but he was an amazing trick dog and loved canine conditioning. He was very fit, agile, and was incredibly athletic (floor to 3-foot table from a sit?!). He was a FitPaws demo dog and worked with people from all over the world. He earned his Trick Dog Champion title and starred in many of my trick teaching videos.

When he wasn’t “working”, Xephyr could most often be found in my lap. He was my constant companion when I had knee surgery and loved to sleep under the covers.

You can read more about Xephyr’s story in Your Dog’s Bucket List and Dealing with Losing a Pet.

Trick dog with rear feet on a bucket
Trick dog during training
Dog side stepping with front paws on a ball
Trick dog and owner with a mountain background
Agility and Trick Dog Xephyr with Lorrie
Dog sleeping in the bed with covers
Dog on Platform with Flowers
Trick dog in pajamas
Trick dog sitting on a bench
Dog standing on a canine conditioning inflatable

Cover photo: Personal Photo

Top photo: Courtesy of Howling Moon Photography.

First row: Personal Photos

Middle photo: Courtesy of Howling Moon Photography.

Second row: Courtesy of Howling Moon Photography / Personal Photo

Bottom row: Personal Photos